

2023-2024           Escuela Superior de Música de Catalunya

MM en Enseñanzas Artísticas de Interpretación de Música Clásica y Contemporánea

2022-2023        Centro Superior Katarina Gurska

MM en Interpretación Solista

2018- 2022               West Virginia University

BA in Music Performance



July 2024 Master’s Thesis- A Guide to Extended Techniques for Flute and the Evolution of Their Uses in Selected Works


May 2024 Master’s Thesis- A Bridge Between Composer and Performer: Examining the Creative Process of Learning and Performing New Works for Flute

Performance Highlights

February 5th-8th, 2025    Talent Unlimited Opera Pit Orchestra

February 2nd, 2025                   Staten Island Philharmonic Piccoloist

December 15th, 2024               UpTown Flutes New York Flute Club Performance

November 2nd, 2024                UpTown Flutes Performance for NJ Flute Society

May 23, 2024                                   ESMuC Final Masters Recital, Barcelona, Spain

June 26th, 2023                             Masters Recital Series KG, Madrid, Spain

April 27th, 2022                             Cincopation Wind Quintet Recital

November 7th, 2021                   Senior Capstone Recital

February 15th, 2020                  Mid-Atlantic Flute Convention Exhibitor

Teaching Experience

March 1st, 2025       

Workshop Lecturer at Flute Society of Greater Philadelphia Flute Fair

November 2nd, 2024                                     

Workshop Lecturer at New Jersey Flute Society Flute Fair

March 2020- present                                                                     

Private Instruction Flute

·      Age Range of 8-20 years old

·      Beginner- Advanced Instruction

February 15th, 2020                                             

Mid-Atlantic Flute Convention Exhibitor

·      Extended Techniques

·      Chamber Performance

·      Multi-disciplinary Arts Integration

Fall 2019- Summer 2024                                               

Collegiate Level Instruction

·      Peer Reviewed

Awards and Special Engagements

February 3rd, 2024                      Birmingham International Music Competition First Prize

January 23rd, 2023                       Fundación Katarina Gurska Solo Competition Winner

April 9th, 2022                                 Pittsburgh Concert Society Alternate

January 26th, 2022                        Fulbright Open Research to Spain Semi-Finalist

March 7th, 2021                  1st place Music International Grand Prix New York Semi-Finals

August 23rd, 2020                Central Ohio Flute Association Top Three Collegiate Finalist

March 29th, 2020                            47th Annual Fischoff Quarter Finalist

March 27th, 2020                            Kentucky Flute Society Chamber Artist Finalist

March 6th, 2020                              COFA Collegiate Division Finalist

February 8th, 2020                       ChaMP Undergraduate Division Winner

Service and Leadership

September, 2024- present                                 

Raise the Roof

·      Volunteer Instructor

September, 2024- present                                           


·      Marketing and Outreach; Performer

December 12th, 2023                                                                

Fundraising Recital Series

·      Performer and Organizer

Spring 2019- 2022                                                

 WVU Flute Studio Event Coordinator

Spring 2019-2022                                     

Marketing and Outreach for WVU Flute Studio

-Organizing performances at senior centers and children’s hospitals

Fall 2019                                                                                            

IFS Marketing Team

Ensemble Memberships

February 2025-present Protestra Orchestra- Piccolo

February 2nd, 2025 Staten Island Philharmonic- Piccolo

September 2024- present                                                  Collegium Musicum Orchestra- Flute and piccolo

February- May 2024                                                               ESMUC Chamber Orchestra- solo flutist

September 2022- December 2022                      Ensemble Orquesta de Cuatro Caminos- Principal flute

January 2022- May 2022                                                                  West Virginia University Chamber Winds- Principal flute

August 2021- May 2022                                                            West Virginia University Symphony Orchestra- Flute and piccolo

January 2021- May 2022                                                          Cincopation Wind Quintet

June 2021                                                                             Black Diamond Philharmonic- Second Flute

August 2020- May 2021                                                                  West Virginia University Wind Symphony

January 2019- May 2021                                                                                         Elev-8* Mutlidisciplinary Flute Ensemble

August 2019- May 2020                                                                     Aether Flute Quartet